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random Notes: Jin’rokh the Breaker

range stand at the edge of the water so they leave it faster

the water not for tank

gather at melee out the water for aoe heal when the Lightning Storm.

cant put to orbs on etch ether

the boss throw farest statue

for the tank debuff: if the trow timer close, dont tunt of him till he get throwing

7mins enrage

hero after 20 sec after the water shows so we can use entehr potion and stays for the healers more.

2healers need 70k dps

3healers need 82k dps

movment speed talent / enchant

all dps Save all cooldowns for the first pool.

Holy: Light’s Hammer and Holy Avenger  talents.

blood DK (saloom): You can use Anti-Magic Shell to prevent the application of Static Burst.

When Jin’rokh​ cast Lightning Storm use:

maxdps can help with Light’s Hammer too, Glyph of Focused Shield, Glyph of the Battle Healer.

Disc ( Amms) : http://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/1615-throne-of-thunder-discipline-priest-style/#jin-rokh

warrior: talent Safeguard   and use it on the tank for the buff, help the raid with ur  Rallying Cry and Demoralizing Bannerin hte aoe dmg.

rogue: use Smoke Bomb during Lightning Storm (make sure to have it glyph), help the healers and save urself with Feint and  Cloak of Shadows .

hunter: make more use for your Disengage and its healing glyphs, and you can use your Deterrence for the Focused Lightning.

the boss throw the tank to one of thos ( not sure ) :

  • throws the tank at the statue farthest from him.
  • throws the tank at the statue farthest from the raid ( dps and healers)
  • throws the player at the statue located in front of himself

Conductive Water

the water make any nature dmg ( electricity) turn into aoe dmg to the whole water zone.

standing in the water gives you buff called M wich increes ur dmg done 40% and healing teken 40%.

Focused Lightning Icon Focused Lightning

electro orbs (15sec CD)

only folow the range,

its dmg duble inside the water

if explod its leave electro spot do 75k dmg for who stand on it.

the spot can b removed when the water cover it.

if two orbs explod in one spot the raid will take high dmg (350k dmg) ouch!.

As the player fixated upon by the Focused Lightning orb, make sure that it does not:

  • reach you when you are inside a Conductive Water void zone (be it compromised or viable);
  • come into contact with a Lightning Fissure.

Static Burst Icon Static Burst

leave debuff called M on the tank for 10 srtacks, if he give melee attack from the boss one of the stacks gonna aoe the raid.

at this debuff tanks most switch.

if the throw timer close, dont tunt of him till he get throwing, we can get 1 or two aoe out of the water.

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